There’s a new scythe book coming…..

It’s called The Scything Handbook. Author Ian Miller is based on a small homestead in Iowa. The American publishers of the book, New Society say: “Written by a master of the scythe, professionally trained in Austria, and drawing deeply on research into original German texts, The Scything Handbook brings centuries-old

Scything on Countryfile

This enjoyable piece on the Austrian scythe and hand hay making featured on Countryfile last night, with prominent UK scythers Andi Rickard and Simon Fairlie. Countryfile – Meadows  – The scything starts at 30.35. The linking shot from the previous piece looks like it could have been filmed over our

Peening to Keep Mowing

Hay rowed up for the night on Cae Mari Jones

Whilst mowing this morning both Phil and I were sharpening more frequently than usual to keep our blades mowing well – time for a peen. Here is Phil working on my 75cm Profisense ready for tomorrow morning’s mowing. Permaculture Magazine are featuring an article by us on peening in their

Scything in Welsh – Pladuro yn Gymraeg

The “Cymru” in Scythe Cymru is, of course, the welsh name for Wales. A month ago I was talking about scything with a reporter from Lingo Newydd, a welsh language bi-monthly magazine for welsh learners. I have been learning Welsh for 5 years now and can hold a pretty passable