Learn to Scythe and Learn to Peen in 2018

Learning to Scythe in the Hay Meadow

Introductory Scythe Course The first Introductory Scythe Course of the year, Saturday 26th May 2018, is available to book now. Peening Workshop The first Peening and Sharpening workshop will be on Sunday 8th April. This is a great opportunity to get your blade ready at the start of the main

Peening to Keep Mowing

Hay rowed up for the night on Cae Mari Jones

Whilst mowing this morning both Phil and I were sharpening more frequently than usual to keep our blades mowing well – time for a peen. Here is Phil working on my 75cm Profisense ready for tomorrow morning’s mowing. Permaculture Magazine are featuring an article by us on peening in their

Peening for the Spring Festival

Edge peening a styria blade

It’s only 12 days until the Spring Festival (previously the Smallholder Show) run by the Royal Welsh Agricultural Society. We are exhibiting Austrian scythe at the show this year and preparations are in full swing. Phil has been peening his way through an impressive pile of blades, preparing them both