There’s a new scythe book coming…..

It’s called The Scything Handbook. Author Ian Miller is based on a small homestead in Iowa. The American publishers of the book, New Society say: “Written by a master of the scythe, professionally trained in Austria, and drawing deeply on research into original German texts, The Scything Handbook brings centuries-old

Falci Scythe Blades

Falci scythe blades

Following trials of blades from the Italian Falci scythe factory this spring, we are pleased to offer a limited number of these blades in our shop. Available for the first time in the UK, these blades have a strong international reputation. See here for the blades on offer. More models

Gardeners Question Time Summer Garden Party

You may remember that I mentioned that Bunny Guinness, regular contributor on Gardener’s Question Time (GQT), is a fan of the Austrian Scythe (see here). The GQT Summer Garden Party is being held at the National Botanical Gardens of Wales on 19th July. As it is not far from us