This kit contains a choice of a 65cm Styria blade, Britain’s most popular scythe blade, a 55cm Styria blade or a 55cm Falci 187 blade.
These blades can happily cut young brambles, bracken, nettles and soft weeds.
But they can still be peened and sharpened to mow meadows, grass paths, small lawns and in orchards.
The curved shape of these blades works well in confined areas and around obstacles.
Choose the Styria 65cm blade if you need one scythe to do it all.
Our best selling blade, it is a good compromise blade, suitable for a wide range of mowing.
This set comes with either a 55cm or 65cm Styria or 55cm Falci 187 blade.
Styria 55cm and 65cm
The Styria blade can be used for mowing rougher grass, weeds, bracken and young bramble, and on rough ground where there may be stones etc that would damage a finer blade.
When peened, it will also cut finer grasses and soft weeds and is useful in over-stood, tangled meadows – a truly multi-purpose blade.
The 65cm length gives you more “bite forward”, allowing you to mow more with each stroke. The 55cm length is more useful in confined circumstance eg areas < 3ft in width, around closely spaced obstacles.
Falci 187
The 55cm Falci 187 is a versatile blade that can be used for mowing grass, weeds, young bracken and the odd young bramble (less then one year old).
It is a good choice if you want a shorter blade to cover a mix of grassy trimming work and some rough mowing. We find it useful for trimming under electric fences, path work or areas with a lot of obstacles (less than 3-4ft in width).
NOTE: The nature of the Falci blade tensioning means it needs to be used with care in areas where you might accidently hit hard objects eg concrete path edging.
Each kit contains
- One Scythe Blade
- An adjustable wooden snath (inc movable hand grips, clamp and wedge)
- A whetstone holder (for carrying the sharpening stone whilst out scything)
- A natural Sharpening Stone (for regular sharpening of blade when scything)
- A Peening Jig (What is Peening?)
- A Garryflex block (for cleaning the blade prior to peening)
- An artificial Stone: Carborundum (for use after jig peening)
- A Quick Set up Guide
Snaths are available in four lengths. The length needed depends on your height
Your Height———Snath Number
Less then 5ft ———Size 1 (small)
5ft – 5ft 10————-Size 2 (medium)
5ft 8 – 6ft 4————Size 3 (long)
6ft 2 – 6ft 5————Size 4 (extra-long)
6ft 5 and taller——–Size 5 (xx-long)
Each size of snath has adjustable handle positions so it can be fine tuned to suit your height and mowing style.
If you are at the edge of the height range you may not be sure which snath length to choose.
If your legs are long in proportion to your body length you should choose the longer snath. If they are short in proportion to your body length choose the shorter snath. This should give you the most useful range of adjustment of the handle positions.
We offer a choice of two jigs with our sets.
Standard Peening Jig
The standard jig is a cost effective way to begin peening. This jig is the better choice for peening blades used for coarser mowing.
If you end up doing a lot of peening you may, in the future, want to move onto a Fux deluxe jig or freehand peening with an anvil.
Fux Deluxe Peening Jig
The Fux Deluxe Peening Jig is more expensive but is a better quality jig.
It is a good choice if you expect to stick with jig peening over your scything career or you will do a lot of peening (multiple blades, many times a year).
It is best used to achieve a finer, grass-mowing edge. Blades need to be peened regularly for this jig to work most effectively.
Each set comes with a printed copy of our Quick Set Up Guide.
Additional instructional books you can add to your set:
Learn to Scythe by Steve Tomlin
We highly recommend adding this comprehensive instruction book to your scythe set. It is clear, informative and easy to read. It’s the next best thing to going on a scythe course!
£10.50Add to basket
Managing Grass with a Scythe by Simon Fairlie.
Newly revised and extended edition, this excellent book contains guidance on how to manage grassland with a scythe, everything from hay making to mowing the lawn.
£8.00Add to basket
All new blades should have the lacquer cleaned off the cutting edge to prevent it clogging the sharpening stone. See this guide for further details.