Fux Deluxe Peening Jig


A high quality peening jig made by the Schröckenfux Scythe Factory, Austria.

Scroll down for more information on peening choices.

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The jig offers the  simplest peening option.

It is relatively easy to master and produces good results in most circumstances, and excellent results with practice.

Phil started peening with a jig and we recommend most people to do the same.

Manufactured to the very high standards we expect from Fux, this jig is a pleasure to work with and it will give many years of good peening service.

For many people, this jig will be all the peening equipment they ever need.

See our Peening Guide for more information on all aspects of peening.


This jig is great if:

  • you expect to do a lot of peening (multiple blades, many times a year)
  • you will be mainly mowing fine meadows and lawns
  • you expect to stick with jig peening over your scything career

NOTE: Blades need to be peened regularly for this jig to work most effectively.

You might be better with the Standard Peening Jig if:

  • you are peening occasionally
  • you are peening blades mainly used for mowing rougher grass and weeds
  • you need to peen a blade that has not been peened in a long time / has never been peened.
  • you want a stepping stone to freehand peening
  • you need a budget entry point.

There is no need to buy a specialist hammer for use with a jig. You can use a standard carpenters hammer with a minimum weight of 1lb (454g).

You can learn more about jig peening:

This YouTube video by Neil Dudman is a good introduction.