Spring is here. This is an ideal time to get your blade out and give it a thorough service ahead of the mowing season. Give it a good clean and get out your peening equipment, repair any dints and damage, sharpen the edge. We have a Peening and Sharpening Workshop on Sunday 3rd April if you need a bit of help and support to get started or are looking to expand and improve your existing peening skills.
Below is a video by Neil Dudman introducing the art of jig peening. Our workshop gives you a chance to try out all these skills and more. Numbers of participants are kept small so that you will receive plenty of individual attention and support, whether you are trying jig peening for the first time or attempting blade repair using an anvil.
We will work through the whole process, from setting up a peening station to taking hammer to metal. A good part of the workshop is dedicated to allowing you time to practice the skills on your own blade (or our practice blades), either with a jig or freehand on an anvil. By the end of the day you should feel more confident about your peening skills and have a sharper blade to take home.
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