Phil went to the Scythe Association of Britain and Ireland (SABI) winter meeting at the end of January, hosted by John Letts in Oxfordshire. With a mix of business and socialising, a good time was had by all. Simon Damant has a nice report on his blog, here with some great pictures.
While meeting up with Simon Fairlie, Phil took the opportunity to stock up our scythe shop. We don’t have a car so Phil took his bike up on the train to transport the equipment back. Gill did wonder if it would all pack in, but Phil is a master of the art. With an impressive amount of metal work packed into those panniers, including blades and peening jigs, it was a pretty heavy load, see picture above.
The first leg of the journey was a short cycle from John’s place to the local train station. Then into London on the train and a cycle from Marylebone to Paddington station. The discovery of Transport for London’s cycling maps a few years ago has made bicycle transfers across London much more pleasant, perhaps even enjoyable, though a world away from the cycling we are used to doing! The picture is taken in Norfolk Square, near Paddington Station – a nice green space to hang out in while you are waiting for a train.
Then the bike was stowed in the guards van of the First Great Western train bound for West Wales. All that remained was the hilly 15 mile cycle home from Carmarthen………