Type: Land Management and Biodiversity

Spring in the Meadows – Molehill bashing!
Mole Hills – how to manage them and make use of them.

Meadow Management and Hay Making Overview
Overview of the annual cycle of meadow management at Dyfed Permaculture Farm (PDF)

Waxcaps and Grassland Fungi
Waxcaps are the most visible and distinctive members of the grassland fungi community. Often brightly colored and with a waxy or slimy texture, they have a strong association with old, undisturbed and nutrient poor grasslands. Examples include old pastures and

Mowing a Lawn with a Scythe
Lawn mowing can be a test of a scythers skill. Here’s our guide to scything lawns to help you on your way.

In Praise of Bracken

Giving part of the meadow the Chelsea Chop
We start cutting our wildflower meadows early in the year, from the end of May. Read why we think a progressive approach to meadow management is valuable.

Using Hay Racks in Hay Making
Here is a guide to how we stack our hay racks. Racks are used to save hay from bad weather when is not yet dry enough to bring into a barn. The design of the rack allows the hay to

Hand Hay Making at Dyfed Permaculture Farm Trust – Rediscovering the Traditional
We practice what we call progressive hay making on the meadows of Dyfed Permaculture Farm. Here’s a guide to how it works.