More Peening and Scythe Course dates added

We have added some more course dates for 2016. There will be  Introductory Scythe Courses on Saturday 28th May, Tuesday 28th June, Wednesday 27th July, Saturday 6th August and Sunday 21st August. The course costs £60 or £50 concession. There will be a Peening Workshop on Sunday 3rd April, Saturday 9th July and Sunday

Get Ready to Mow! Peening Workshop

Spring is gathering pace and the grass is starting to grow. Soon the mowing season will be upon us and it will be time to get your scythe into action, if it hasn’t already been hard at work clearing brambles and weeds all winter. On Tuesday 14th April will we

Apple Tree Grafting Workshop

Yesterday we ran our second Apple Tree Grafting Workshop. The day started off with Phil looking at the reasons we choose to graft apple trees onto different root stocks. He went on to look at the principles of grafting, including sourcing root stock and grafting material, the grafting processes it’s

“Get Ready to Mow” Peening Workshop 2014

Yesterday was International Peening Day. For our part, we held a Peening and Sharpening Workshop. The rain came in steady waves all day, so I was very glad that the day was mainly spent in the comfort of the Red Barn, where Phil described and demonstrated the process of [popup