Falci 177 “The Dragon” Long Ditch Blade


A long ditch type blade for the more experienced scyther mowing heavier hay meadows, reed, bracken or similar.

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The aptly named Dragon is a long, heavier weight ditch style blade.

The more experienced mower might use this blade for mowing reed, bracken or similar if they want to progress faster than the shorter length Styria blades allow.

Phil enjoys using it for late season hay mowing. The blade has a wide, flat belly. The shape and weight makes it useful when scything heavier grasses, or in over-stood or coarser meadows.

NOTE: This is not a beginner blade. Some experience of finessing blade set up is needed to get the Dragon mowing well.


This is a strong blade and likely stronger then your snath!

It’s long length will exert more leverage on the snath so care should be taken to set the blade up carefully, watch out for obstacles and keep it sharp.

A sharp, well set up blade will help you mow without excessive force.

Excessive force can cause snath breakage if you unexpectedly hit an immovable obstacle.

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