Scything and Peening Workshops 2019 – more dates added

We have added more scythe course dates for the coming season, see below for details.

There are courses for the beginner and the more experienced mowers.

The first courses of the season are very popular, so book early! See below for details.

If you will be traveling from further afield, you can find a list of local accommodation to suit all budgets here

Right: Mowing in the Mist, June 2018

Introductory Scythe Course

The first Introductory Scythe Course of the year will be on Saturday 25th May.

Further dates so far –  Wednesday 26th June and Sunday 14th July.

NEW for 2019

Youth Rate for 18 – 25 year olds

To help younger people with more limited resources take up the scythe, we are offering one place per Introductory course at a special rate of £30

Peening Workshop

The Peening and Sharpening workshops will be on Saturday 6th April and Saturday 27th July.

This is a great opportunity to get your blade ready at the start of the main mowing season.

Mowing with Ease workshop

Come and spend a day mowing in the field with Phil on Sunday 28th July.

This is an excellent opportunity to look at mowing techniques in more depth and find ways to mow with ease.

Full scythe immersion weekend

The Mowing with Ease course can be combined with the Peening workshop on Saturday 27th July. You will receive a 10% discount on the total cost if you book both courses.